It is almost 8 years since I last stepped into Hong Kong. The last visit was a on-the-way visit - a working trip dated back to 2010. This time, I was there with mum, and we were 100% as tourist! Hong Kong is not a 'new' place to me, but it's always close to me, probably because of the relatives staying there and more uniquely, the common language that we speak - Cantonese! This time, it's also a mother-daughter bonding trip! In this trip, we went to places that I had not explored much in the past. In fact, it's a very MTR-intensive trip - we got to all the places by MTR! There's always something new to learn about this place each time I come :)

🍜 2 Dec: 文记车仔面 🍲

Thanks to the recommendation from Annie & Simon, we found something very local - simple and good at Tsum Shui Po.

Click HERE to read more about this

It's easy to find (especially with GoogleMap on hand) - that's the only eatery stall with a crowd queuing:

Here's actually the menu.

It's packed with rows (a bit like the Japanese eateries). There wasn't any "tables".

Patrons needed to collect a queuing slip and sat outside to wait for our turn.
We were lucky as a couple who was queuing separately gave one of their tickets to us. That probably had saved us from sitting here for at least half an hour!

Here's the menu we received - that we marked the items with a marker to place our order.
Note: It's indicated on the menu (see bottom, highlighted in red) that the minimum spending should be HKD25

Notice the small hook right above the seat number (23)? That's where we hanged the receipt, that each came with a clip :) Well, notice the various sauces that lined up on the table?

Here came our dinner - though simple, but delicious :)

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